Tag Archives: the conversation

This One



This one  showing up

Rises on the view

Looking out over open horizons

Curious and curiouser

And I, what is I am, watching


I stand in your company

The stories pour and pour

Forth that great big vessel

Of a heart uncontainable

But wishing to be contained


Who has the story or does

The story have us intermingled

Woven in and out of the weft

Of being thread of becoming

Such a delicate thread it is


However it is  it is a gift of

Heart of love of seeing

Beauty speaks through these

Strings strum simultaneously

Tremolo sostenuto entangle


Trust Fortitude Misfortune Joy

All gather ’round the table

Made just for these and Two

Others autonomous resplendent

Everything celebrates This One


“Will you let me love you?”  Awry

The question shines like a diamond

Many faceted and subtle in its stark

Beauty because Love has no bounds

And knows this source from its core


No permission is needed as What Is

Is simply What Is ~ how many times

Does saying that make it so? It seems

Easier to speak the unspeakable

Than freeing that which is Unbound
